LYNCH MOB To Return To The Road In August

June 12, 2003

Former DOKKEN and current LYNCH MOB guitarist George Lynch has posted the following message to his official web site,

"I just want to give a sincere thanks to everyone who came out to the east coast [LYNCH MOB] shows in May. The band had a blast playing the shows and meeting everyone afterwards. A special thanks to all of the M.O.B. street team members that we meet, it really means allot to us that you guys spend so much of your valuable time trying to get the word out about the band, keep up the good work. Since we have been back we have spent some time writing for the new LYNCH MOB album, sorting out some of the ideas that we came up with during various soundchecks on the road. We are about to start the editing process of the DVD that we shot at both the 'Key Club' in Hollywood & 'The Chance' in Poughkeepsie, but first Mariah and I are off to Hawaii for 2 weeks for a much needed vacation of hiking and relaxing in the sun. When we get back there will be more writing, editing, recording and planning of the summer tour that now looks like will happen starting in August, I will post more details about that when I return."

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